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Europa Universalis IV – 1.30.4 Patch Notes | AI Revolutionizes Holy Order Placement!

Europa Universalis IV – 1.30.4 Patch Notes | AI Revolutionizes Holy Order Placement!


  • AI evaluation for Holy Order placement no longer gets locked in mana spending decision making
  • Fixed the too many tags mod ctd
  • AI - Economy: Fixed bug causing AI to evaluate prio to pay back loans to zero if they had too many loans
  • AI - Economy: AI now better on calculating ROI when comparing loans and buildings
  • Fixed so you now get gold when razing as a horde
  • Fixed issue where you can add more estates than you are supposed to
  • AI will now build less coastal defence buildings
  • Can no longer bail out of excommunication war by paying indulgence
  • Limited events to not trigger if it would result in more than 4 privileges

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