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DOTA 2 – MARCH 2019 Patch Notes

DOTA 2 – MARCH 2019 Patch Notes


Custom Games API: - Added GetDedicatedServerKeyV2 which utilizes a new approach for securing/generating the keys. Any custom game that relies on GetDedicatedServerKey to communicate with its backend will want to switch to the V2 version as soon as possible. - To give custom game authors time to switch to the new system, GetDedicatedServerKey will remain unchanged until 3/31/2019, after which will be automatically switched to V2. - When playing on local/unofficial servers, GetDedicatedServerV2 will return special values to make the state more clear for developers (e.g. “Invalid_NotOnDedicatedServer”).


Added some previously unavailable heroes to Ability Draft * Beastmaster (Hawk is not draftable) * Lone Druid * Io * Monkey King (Primal Spring is not draftable) * Shadowfiend (Shadowraze Medium and Presence of the Darklord are not draftable) * Techies (Minefield Sign is not draftable) * Meepo (Divided We Stand is not draftable) * Rubick (Spellsteal is not draftable) Will-o-wisp and Tag Team are now draftable in Ability Draft

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