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DOOM Eternal – BATTLEMODE Update

DOOM Eternal – BATTLEMODE Update
July 2 BATTLEMODE Update This update for DOOM Eternal features BATTLEMODE balance changes for ALL platforms and does not require any download.

Note from the Community Team:

We have been psyched to hear all your positive feedback on the latency improvements that went live last week with the release of Update 2! As a result of the latency improvements, Demon duos are having more success at accurately landing their shots on the ever-illusive Slayer. We have seen this consistently bring matches even closer, which has been awesome. However, with the recent fixes to weapon switching speed / fire rate for the Slayer, the BATTLEMODE team has decided that increasing the Slayer's base ammo pool will further even the playing field.We are excited to see new metas and duos emerge, and we continue to monitor feedback! Don't forget to tune into this week's Friday Night Fights Invitational for an amazing display of some of the best community players duking it out in an eight week tournament series!-The Community Team
Doom BattleMode Logo Keyable 500

Balance Changes for ALL platforms

BATTLEMODE Characters Slayer.245x278SLAYER AMMO
  • Increased shell count from 12 to 16

Balance Changes for PC Only

BATTLEMODE Characters Slayer.245x278SLAYER AMMO
  • Increased cell count from 150 to 175
  • Increased bullet count from 72 to 84

Balance Changes for Console Only

BATTLEMODE Characters Slayer.245x278SLAYER AMMO
  • Increased cell count from 175 to 200
  • Increased bullet count from 84 to 96

Known Issues

Revenant’s UNSTABLE TRIGGER Upgrade
  • Current description states: “Your Rocket Barrage ability refreshes 3 seconds quicker and shoots more rockets”
  • This is inconsistent with the in-game behavior after the latest BATTLEMODE balance changes
Revenant’s ACROBAT Upgrade
  • Current description states: “Your Jetpack has 40% more capacity, recharges 1 second sooner after touching the ground & Afterburner no longer has a penalty for running out of fuel”
  • This is inconsistent with the in-game behavior after the latest BATTLEMODE balance changes
Revenant’s DEMONIC ONSLAUGHT Power Upgrade
  • Current description states: “Increases your damage output 25% for 10 seconds”
  • This is inconsistent with the in-game behavior after the latest BATTLEMODE balance changes
  • No Armored Buff status message will appear when this is activated

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