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Destiny 2 – All Hotfixes October 2021 | Dreaming City Gets a Fix in Latest Destiny 2

Destiny 2 – All Hotfixes October 2021 | Dreaming City Gets a Fix in Latest Destiny 2


Attention Guardians! The latest update for Destiny 2, version 3.3.1, is here to shake things up in the world of activities, Dreaming City, Trials, and more. Get ready for some exciting changes that will enhance your gameplay experience and fix those pesky bugs that have been plaguing you. In the Corrupted activity, we've made some adjustments to make your Grandmaster difficulty runs a little less frustrating. The knockback buff from the "Sedia's Durance" activity modifier has been reduced from +40% to +20% knockback. Plus, we've bid farewell to the Unstoppable Phalanx Champion that was causing havoc during the Ransack Ogre encounter. No more sneaky surprises when the Ogre boss reaches 50% health. It's gone for good, and we won't miss it one bit. But that's not all! We've also fixed an issue in the Dreaming City where a wall of Taken miasma would appear where it shouldn't be, causing unnecessary obstacles during Freeroam. In Trials, we've made some quality of life improvements, including a tooltip to remind you to enable Cross Play for access and ensuring that currency rewards lockout no longer clears on ticket resets. And let's not forget about the UI/UX enhancements. We've added more options to the text chat profanity filter setting, improved the sign-on experience for Bungie Friend requests, and fixed various issues with voice chat settings, Roster UI, and more. We're constantly working to make your Destiny 2 experience smoother and more enjoyable. So, grab your gear, rally your fireteam, and dive into the latest update. Destiny 2 is ready to take you on an epic adventure like never before.



The Corrupted 
  • Reduced the knockback buff from the "Sedia's Durance" activity modifier on Nightfall difficulty from +40% knockback to +20% knockback, which may help a few of you complete Grandmaster difficulty.
  • Removed an Unstoppable Phalanx Champion from the Ransack Ogre encounter.
      • During the Ransack Ogre encounter, an Unstoppable Phalanx Champion would spawn in the Ascendant Plane when the Ogre boss reached 50% health.
          • That Champion was easy to miss, and you couldn't backtrack there to defeat it once you killed the Ogre.
          • After this Champion ruined hundreds of Platinum completion attempts, we’ve snapped it out of existence.
          • It’s gone.
          • Dust.
          • Destroyed.
          • It will never see the light of day again.
          • That’s what it deserves.
  • Fixed an issue that blocked completion of The Corrupted Nightfall scoring Triumph.
Dreaming City 
  • Fixed an issue where a wall of Taken miasma could appear in a doorway in Rheasilvia during Freeroam, when it shouldn't be there.
  • Currency rewards lockout at three, five, and seven wins no longer clear on ticket resets.
  • Added a playlist tooltip to indicate that Cross Play must be enabled to access Trials.
  • Trials passages only display warning message if the player account owns a ticket.
Momentum Control 
  • Removed Anomaly and The Dead Cliffs from Momentum Control rotator.
      • Note: We're looking at map offerings in all 6v6 playlists, and are expecting some changes in a future update.


User Interface
  • Added more granularity options to the text chat profanity filter setting.
  • Updated the sign on experience to show a single toast after character select if you have one or more pending Bungie Friend requests, instead of a unique toast for every pending request.
      • The experience when receiving a new Bungie Friend request while playing the game has not changed.
      • Known Issue: This notification toast may appear blank for some players, but no invites are affected. This issue is already being investigated.
  • Player Search UI now has audio feedback.
  • Reverted a change to the text chat auto-hide default value that launched with Season 15.
      • The default value is once again On.
  • Fixed an issue where the text chat auto-hide setting could revert to the Season 15 default value of Off under various conditions.
  • Fixed an issue where voice chat settings would not consistently appear on non-PC platforms.
  • Fixed an issue where booting a fireteam member sometimes left a blank entry in the Roster or Fireteam UI.
  • Fixed an issue on Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5 where some header text on the Manage Invites tab of the Roster would sometimes scale down more than expected.
  • Fixed an issue where online Roster contacts were not sorting alphabetically for Friends and Clanmates.
  • Fixed an issue where blocking a player through a fireteam invite did not hide interaction options that are expected to fail when interacting with a blocked player.
  • Fixed an issue where red notification text would sometimes be missing when attempting to invite a player to your fireteam if their privacy settings would not allow them to join.
  • Fixed an issue affecting multiple Collections and Triumphs screens where entering a sub-screen or changing tabs on a screen would cause UI to show the default tab on the parent screen.
      • This fix also improves consistency when looking through tabs inside Collections category sub-screens.


  • Horror's Least Pulse Rifle no longer drops at zero power.
  • Increased drop chance for an Adept Nightfall weapon from a Platinum Grandmaster Nightfall to 100%.
  • Fixed an issue where Overflow and Shoot to Loot perks could double magazine sizes on some weapon archetypes.
      • Note: We have identified an issue where the Demolitionist perk no longer refills ammo when casting a grenade, and are looking to resolve this in Hotfix
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to use Glacial Quake's light attack or activate sprint after a Glacial Quake heavy attack.
  • Previews are now enabled for gear that can be focused on Saint-14.
  • Players who reset any of their ritual reputations (Crucible, Gambit, or Vanguard) a second time without collecting the Ritual Reputation Ornament can now claim the ornament from the respective vendor.
  • Vanguard Tokens and Sunset Destination Material Tokens (Io, Mars, Titan, Mercury) that remain in players inventories have had their descriptions updated to indicate that they have no value and can be safely dismantled.


  • Changed how Mini Screebs from the Festering Rupture modifier are networked to give a more consistent experience.
  • This should prevent mini-screebs from burrowing into the ground and ending otherwise perfect Nightfall runs.
  • Trials of Osiris (and other matchmade activities) should no longer trigger Baboon errors if players quit between rounds or during a hard wipe.


  • Updated the description of the "Pinnacle" Seasonal Challenge to better direct players to Pinnacle-tiered rewards


  • Fixed some issues with Telesto
      • Editor’s Note: Restart the clock
  • No longer attaches to allies, will instead impact and detonate
  • Bolts can no longer be shot and destroyed
  • Reduce the bolt lifetime from 10 seconds to ~5 seconds when spawned on the environment (proximity to enemies still detonates)


  • Fixed an issue that allowed allied players to be damaged and frozen by Diamond Lance.
  • Fixed an issue where more Sentinel Shield super energy was being drained by Scorn sniper attacks than intended.

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