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Destiny 2 – 2.9.1 & Patch Notes

Destiny 2 – 2.9.1 & Patch Notes Patch Notes



  • Fixed an issue where a door in the Hexahedron would occasionally not open.



  • Remapping the input for Interact no longer changes the button prompt for Revive which will always be mapped to X/Square.
  • Fixed an issue where canceling a glide jump would cause Warlocks and Titans to auto-jump after landing.
  • Updated default custom controller binding for Vehicle Exit to match standard control preset (X/Square -> A/Cross).
  • Fixed an issue where Hunters would crouch after Dodging when using Hold Crouch, but stand when using Toggle Crouch.


  • Fixed an issue where Advanced Pyramid Focusing was only rewarding 50 Altered Elements instead of 150 as stated in the Triumph.
  • To help players optimize daily weapon bounties, Banshee now picks six new weapon types to focus on each week – three primary, one special, and two heavy.
  • Added a Season Rank Stat tracker for Season of Arrivals.
  • The Emissary Whisperer Triumph has been removed.


  • Fixed an issue where Witherhoard's projectiles would appear randomly on screen while using abilities or when stowed away.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Witherhoard's direct hit damage to be unintentionally doubled if a player swapped to The Mountaintop after applying it.


  • Fixed an issue where the Surprise Attack perk does would not properly deactivate and reactivate when switching Sidearms


  • Fixed an issue where the Fencing Salute Emote could allow players to get out of the environment.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Hide Hints" settings option was currently displaying as "Never Show Full SteamID" and not functioning properly.


Contact Public Event
  • Fixed an issue where players could collect and deposit 15 motes prior to unlocking the Umbral Mastery II gift on the Prismatic Recaster.
  • Increased Glimmer rewards in Trials of Osiris.
Nightmare Hunts
  • Fixed an issue where Nightmare Hunts could grant more Season of Arrivals rewards than intended.
  • The following raids no longer have weekly reward limits from main encounters:
      • Leviathan
      • Eater of Worlds
      • Spire of Stars
      • Crown of Sorrow
      • Scourge of the Past
  • Note: Secret Chests will continue to have weekly lockouts
  • All armor from the above listed Featured Raids has been updated to use the Season of Arrivals infusion cap.
  • Last Wish and Garden of Salvation raid weapons and armor have been updated to use the Season of Arrivals infusion cap.


  • Fixed an issue where the Heavy Hitters Triumph was not properly tracking which Contact event bosses had been defeated.
  • Fixed an issue where the Season of the Worthy Rank Stat Tracker was not appearing properly.
  • Fixed an issue where players had the Guardian Games quest in their inventory well after Titans completely dominated the event.
      • Hunters are still pretty sad about it.
  • Fixed an issue where there was inconsistent use of weapon and ammo types in High-Stakes Heist quest steps.
  • Fixed an issue where Seraph weapons were not counting towards Sleeper Simulant catalyst quest progression.
  • Fixed a rare crash with Anarchy.
  • Fixed an issue with Umbral Enhancements III that was preventing Cold Denial and Falling Guillotine from getting an additional trait.
  • Fixed an issue with Vortex Frame Swords where the Heavy attack wasn't ending properly over the network.
  • Fixed an issue where various Season of Arrivals weapons are missing collections entries.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing Season of the Worthy Seasonal Armor Mods from having a chance to be purchasable on Banshee-44.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing players from purchasing the Unflinching Machine Gun mod from Banshee-44.
  • Added the ability for Season of Arrivals armor to use Charged with Light mods from Season of Dawn.
  • Corrected some incorrect armor mod icons for several Season of Arrivals mods.
  • Corrected incorrect perk descriptions for two Season of Arrivals mods – Reactive Pulse (formerly Font of Light) and Radiant Light – to correctly match their functionality.
  • Added the Season of Arrivals mod socket to the pieces of the EDZ destination armor set that did not have them.
  • The Unstoppable Pulse Rifles artifact mod will no longer cause non-Pulse Rifle damage to stagger Unstoppable Champions while aiming down sights of a Pulse Rifle.
  • The Rival Warlock Ghost Shell from Guardian Games will now show Ghost Projections.
  • Fixed an issue where the Unstoppable Pulse Rifle mod icon was displaying a Scout Rifle.
  • Fixed a bug that affected aim assistance when shooting through Barricades using Citan's Ramparts.


  • The header for the Flair section of Eververse now displays the correct text.
Controller Remapping
  • Updated the description for “Toggle Sprint.”
  • Updated description of Exotic Engrams on Xûr, as players may now purchase more than one on a given a week using an Exotic Cypher.
  • Fixed an issue where subtitles for Season of Arrivals Drifter dialogue could misgender players as "brother" even when using female character.


  • Adjusted Strike weekly bounty pool for the Seasonal focus.
  • Scorn, Cabal, Vex, and Fallen variations should no longer appear during Season of Arrivals.
  • Fixed an issue where the first sleeper node “CB.NAV/RUN.()Dynamo.Approach.Arch” was not appearing for players attempting to complete the Nascent Dawn Exotic quest.

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