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Destiny 2 – Patch Notes | HOTFIX

Destiny 2 – Patch Notes | HOTFIX


  • Fixed an issue where the Ordeal version of Lake of Shadows was inaccessible at tiers above Adept for players who do not own Forsaken.
  • Fixed an issue where the Festering Core Master Nightfall was listed as 1080 Power in the Director, but was actually 750 Power.
      • Guardians should expect a much greater challenge when engaging with this strike.


  • Leviathan rewards of XP, Glimmer, and chances towards Exotic Engrams or Bright Engrams are now back on a weekly lockout.
      • Note: Weapons and armor are not affected by the weekly lockout, and can be earned multiple times a week.


  • Fixed an issue where some players could not acquire the “Means to an End” quest from the Prismatic Recaster.


  • Fixed an issue where Ruinous Effigy could trigger the heal from the Stronghold Titan Exotic armor while blocking with the carry object.
  • Fixed an issue where Umbral stat Focused engrams could provide less than 10 in the selected stat.

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