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Destiny 2 – 2.7.1 Patch Notes

Destiny 2 – 2.7.1 Patch Notes


Pit of Heresy

  • Improved some performance issues in the Chamber of Suffering encounter that could reduce framerates.
  • Fixed an issue where players could die when transitioning from the Necropolis encounter to the Tunnels of Despair.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get out of the environment in the Tunnels of Despair.

Garden of Salvation

  • Improved a performance issue that could occur when chunks of land return, or are removed during the Sanctified Mind encounter.
  • Improved the visual indication for when a tether source hub is on or off.
  • Added text notification when a Vex sacrifices on a relay.

Nightfall: The Ordeal

  • Reduced weekly completions needed to bring it in line with other challenges.
      • Players now need three completions on Adept, two completions on Hero, or one completion on Legend or Master.


  • Players can now shortcut directly to their Roster by selecting their empty fireteam slots, or by invoking the Roster shortcut on Director Map screens.
  • When an activity is selected, fireteam leaders can navigate left and right to get to Quests and Roster respectively, then back to return to the selected activity.



  • Seasonal Bow mods should now work reliably with Hush.
  • Fixed an issue where Onslaught would reduce damage at 2x Rampage stacks despite not increasing Rate of Fire.
  • Adjusted scope feedback and camera shake on Hard Light firing.
  • Eriana's Vow no longer gets more ammo when swapping from other Special ammo weapons in Gambit. Starting ammo in Gambit increased from six to ten.
  • Fixed an issue where swapping from Two-Tailed Fox to another Power weapon would generate more ammo than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where Leviathan's Breath started PVE activities with more ammo than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where Xenophage started PVE activities with more ammo than intended.


  • The Empowered Finisher Dawn mod will no longer consume Super energy if you do not have a mod equipped that is capable of benefiting from the Charged with Light buff.
  • The Ever Ready Dawn mod will now stack correctly with weapon dexterity leg armor mods applicable to the weapons it covers.
  • The Heavy Handed Dawn mod will no longer trigger after the death of Telesto bolts. Increased the number of enemies that must be near the player to trigger the ammo-granting benefit from two to three.
  • Several class item armor mods will now correctly provide diminishing returns when multiple copies of the mod are equipped. These mods include Perpetuation, Innervation, Invigoration, Insulation, and Absolution.
  • Wormgod Caress and Winter's Guile no longer retain the status of their buff if the armor piece is unequipped.
  • The perk on Synthoceps now deactivates immediately when the armor piece is unequipped.
  • The Transcendent Blessing Outlaw mod will now correctly appear in players' inventory; previously, it would only be visible in the mod flyout when socketing a mod.
  • Grenade Launcher Scavenger will no longer award Special ammo for Grenade Launchers when the player picks up Primary ammo bricks.
  • The last finisher removed from favorites will no longer override the fallback default class finisher.
  • Giddy Laugh rare emote now has a valid icon and can be selected for equipping on the emote wheel.
  • Shadowkeep campaign Exotic armor no longer has a potential to show up in Xur's weekly inventory.
  • Gunsmith now properly assesses the owned status of Unflinching Machine Gun and Unflinching Hand Cannon mods.

Power and Progression

  • Fixed an issue that caused the amount of XP earned not to show up next to the XP progress bar.
      • NOTE: This issue may still exist for players after they reach Seasonal Rank 100, but all XP earned will still apply to Seasonal Ranks above 100.
  • Changed the progress bar description on the Weekly Strike challenge from "Bounties completed" (which was incorrect) to "Strikes completed".
  • Completion values for some of the destination Obelisk Weekly Bounties have been reduced.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Green with Envy” pursuits could stop progressing correctly.
  • Players who were in this state should have their progress updated retroactively.



  • Fixed an issue in which Roaring Flames was buffing Solar Weapon Damage while standing in a Well of Radiance.
  • Fixed an issue in which Sunbreaker Titans were able to self-heal by bouncing a Throwing Hammer off a wall.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Warlocks from using Blink after switching weapons or cancelling sprint.
  • Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause the Sunbreaker Titan's Mortar Blast to deal little to no damage.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed Sunbreaker Titans to gain stacks of Roaring Flames by destroying Telesto projectiles.
  • Increased the Sunbreaker Titan's Mortar Blast damage by 70 percent in PvE.
  • Players will remain in spaceflight instead of going to a black screen when they load into a PvP match faster than their peers.

Bounties and Pursuits

  • Fixed an issue that could prevent players from obtaining the Black Armory Key Mold quest from Ada-1 on multiple characters.
  • Acquisition of Black Armory rare bounties significantly improved.
      • Players that complete all available weekly and daily bounties will acquire a rare bounty within five days.
  • Black Armory Keys taking up space in Pursuits will be removed if a player has already completed the Mysterious Box Izanagi's Burden quest chain and unlocked the Exotic in their Collections.
  • The Gambit Prime "Collector" bounty will now progress from picking up Luna destination materials.
  • Fixed an issue affecting the "Newest" sorting option in Pursuits.
      • Newly acquired quests, or quests that get updated, will now be properly sorted to the top.


  • In Collections, the "Playin' the Odds" Gambit emblem will now properly register as unlocked and can be reacquired accordingly.
  • Fixed an issue that was impacting the Unveiling Triumph.
      • Eris is now ready to present her final Lore entry to players who need it.
      • The Unveiling Lore Triumph now correctly reads #/11 Lore pieces and will unlock upon obtaining the final Lore piece.
  • Fixed an issue where certain randomized dialogue would play more or less frequently than intended.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing notifications to appear again after transferring items using the Bnet D2 API.
  • Improved performance when receiving certain messages from the server.
      • Largest impact will be in the Tower, but should help everywhere.
  • Fixed an issue that caused FOTL items to be stuck in the postmaster as invisible items for some players.

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