Improved the process of depositing multiple items into a Storage Unit and retrieving multiple items.
As a cross-promotion with 343 Industries added a Halo Sticker Capsule purchasable in-game.
Owners of The Master Chief Collection on Steam, after they accrue sufficient playtime in the game, will also receive The Master Chief Collection Music Kit.
Improved in-game performance by suspending several UI videos while in-game.
– Visibility and readability improvements.
– Clipping fixes.
– Added radar callouts.
– Increased bomb explosion radius from 500 to 600.
– Reduced size of site B (Removed back stairs and adjusted site to new size).
– Adjusted cover on A and B site.
– Adjusted playable positions on Middle.
– Improved clipping across the map to provide smoother gameplay.
– Fixed community reported bomb stuck spots.
– Removed some props to improve visuals and gameplay on A / B Entrances.
– Increased lighting on Back of A.
– Added paint to back of A site boost to provide clearer visuals.
Introducing Storage Units which allow users to store up to 1,000 items which would otherwise exceed inventory limit.
For more details see the in-game items help article.
Improved visibility from patio towards pit boost spot.
Added fill lights in A site balcony hallway.
Fixed a DM spawn in apartments that caused players to get stuck.
Boosted ambient light on grate outside Monster, B site. (@SRK_xt)
Removed graffiti from left side of CT side, B site.
Boosted light in bank, A site.
Changed background texture in bank, A site.
Brightened up corner by far vent in A site.
Added a new setting to enable triple-monitor UI mode.
Added a countdown till week 2 Operation missions become available.
End of match scoreboard toggle button is now the same button binding that enables mouse in the scoreboard. (default: Mouse2)
Fixed ’rounds won with no purchases’ accolade appearing in Flying Scoutsman.
Fixed skin tone on one of the Elite Crew agents.
Fixed a regression in Weapons Course.
Fixed a re-zoom regression with sniper rifles. (@land1ncs)
Updated radar for Vertigo.
– Introducing Operation Shattered Web, featuring all-new equippable Agents, weapon collections, missions, and more!
– For more details visit www.counter-strike.net/shatteredweb
– Increased price of SG553 to $3000 to bring its price more in line with its value.
– Reduced the price of FAMAS and Galil by $200 (to $2050 and $1800, respectively)
– Improved full-auto spraying accuracy of FAMAS and Galil.
Danger Zone
– Buymenu price adjustments for ssg08 and radar jammer.
– Minor timing adjustments for locked door and safe interaction.
– Automated sentries now fire M249 bullets.
– Added killfeed icon for automated sentry.
– Added more explosive barrels.
– Tablet crate icons now show an above/below annotation if significantly above or below the player.
– Minor change to zone effect visuals.
– ‘AWP | Hyper Beast’ and ‘P90 | Nostalgia’ updated to correct wear at Factory New
Pearlescent coatings:
We have added support for applying a pearlescent coating to weapon finishes. Pearlescent coatings use ceramic crystals to reflect and refract light, splitting it into different colors as the view angle changes. This effect can be used in a number of ways to subtly enhance your weapon finish or make drastic changes. The new Operation Shattered Web collections have some weapons with pearlescent coatings to illustrate some of the ways this new feature can be used. The Workshop Workbench has been updated to include this feature so you can experiment with adding this coating to a weapon finish. Using higher values will make the color bands tighter and more frequent and using negative values will flip the spectrum to start on the opposite end. It should be noted that this coating will shift the hue of your weapon finish so parts with no saturation, and therefore no hue, will have no pearlescent effect. We look forward to seeing what interesting applications you come up with.
– Added Studio to Scrimmage and Casual Sigma map groups.
– Added Jungle to the Danger Zone rotation.
– Added Lunacy to Flying Scoutsman
– Zoo and Seaside have been removed.
– Cache has been moved from Scrimmage to Competitive Matchmaking
– Added ramp to final stage of scaffolding on A ramp, no longer need to jump up
– Connected corridor to back of A with CT elevator room
– Widened top of mid
– Offset doors from CT spawn and to CT elevator room
– Made A site CT death funnel shorter, widened site area
– Removed big block in CT spawn
– Moved A ramp sandbags to allow jump up
– Various bug and clipping fixes
– Breach has been updated to the latest version from Steam Community Workshop and is now available in Scrimmage mode on official servers.
Bombsite A
– Redesigned A long
– Removed entrance walls
– Removed pit
– Added blinds to A window
– Moved globe monument slightly
– Blocked access to top of SWAT van
Bombsite B
– Replaced vents with electrical room
– Reworked cover placement
– Improved bombsite markings
– Reduced number of firing angles in mid
– Redesigned B connector
– T paths to lower and upper mid have been combined
– CTs cannot push upper mid as quickly
– Fixed unintended angles in lower mid
– Redesigned CT spawn
– Removed glass in various places
– Fixed a bug where enemies outside of B could be spotted from mid
– Replaced the wall outside of B with a chain link fence – enjoy the view!
– Improved clipping
– Fix bomb stuck spots
– Cache has been updated to the latest version from Steam Community Workshop.
-Visual improvements and visibility increases map-wide.
-Fixed FPS drops in Z caused by bad model collision mesh. (Thanks Oakz!)
-Allowed planting closer to A site fence.
-Fixed pixel-walk on A site. (Thanks ALJN!)
-Fixed bomb-stuck spot by squeaky entrance from T side.
-Allowed players to hop onto forklift without crouch-jumping.
-Fixed bomb passing through B ramp displacement. (Thanks jorba666!)
-Fixed unusual collisions for grenades at Mid Boost.
-Fixed ability to see under cover at B. (Thanks g0gerff!)
-Fixed getting stuck on ladder at Mid. (Thanks wTy_!)
-Lowered boxes in corner of A Main. (Thanks Don Haci!)
-Fixed several wallbang bugs
– Seaside is no longer available in Scrimmage mode on official servers.
– Mac10 UV map has been updated.
– Mac10 cavity map updated to fix wear pattern discrepancies.
– If you have workshop feedback please send mail to CSGOTeamFeedback[at]valvesoftware.com with “Workshop” in the subject line.
– New users will now default to Casual game mode.
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