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CS:GO Patch Notes – MARCH 2019

CS:GO Patch Notes – MARCH 2019


[NEW RELEASES] – A new music kit EZ4ENCE by The Verkkars is now available for purchase. – A new Feral Predators Sticker Capsule is now available for purchase. [MAPS] – Vertigo has been moved from Reserves Group into the Active Duty Group. – Cache has been moved from Active Duty Group into Reserves Group. Vertigo: -Added new cover in bottom of mid, that doubles as a ramp towards “window” to B site -Pushed up CT spawns slightly -Prioritized spawn positions, CTs will be biased towards forward spawns, Ts biased towards rear spawns -Added corner railing to catwalk on B site -Blocked two-man boost on top of spools in CT spawn -Blocked angle over wall when going down stairs from B site towards T spawn -Tweaked T stairs up to bombsite B -Tweaked layout of T spawn slightly -Updated bombsite target models on sites -Elevator shaft injuries now count towards the injury statistic -Fixed various clipping issues [GAMEPLAY] – Grenades will no longer go through closed doors in certain rare circumstances. – Players can no longer pick up weapons through walls or without direct line-of-sight. [MISC] – Fixed certain textures sometimes not rendering when running with -d3d9ex launch option. – Fixed an issue causing certain areas to not render correctly when spectating a player with zoom-in activated. – Fixed items removed from user’s inventory sometimes showing up in loadout and buy menu incorrectly. – Fixed player disconnect messages to have neutral names when communication preference is set to sanitize player names. – Added “consecutive_round_losses” value for each team to Game State Integration output.


The following changes are now available for testing in the “” Beta Depot. [GAMEPLAY] – Grenades will no longer go through closed doors in certain rare circumstances. – Players can no longer pick up weapons through walls or without direct line-of-sight. [MISC] – Fixed an issue causing certain areas to not render correctly when spectating a player with zoom-in activated. – Added “consecutive_round_losses” value for each team to Game State Integration output.


[MAPS] Vertigo: -Switched Wingman version to bombsite B -Made white metal structures on B site slightly larger, to prevent excessive angles/boost positions -Added some floor material variation for footstep differentiation (CT corridor to back of A, elevator room near A site, T entrance to mid) -Lowered C4 explosion radius (from 500 to 400) -Added grenade clip to roof props in forklift room/lower level that allowed molotovs to burn through to upper level -Extended catwalk by top of T stairs to B -Added more railings near A ramp -Fixed various clipping issues and C4 stuck spots (Thanks bonna97!) -Blocked weapons from falling into gap at bottom of A ramp (Thanks 3kliksphilip!) -Boosted ambient light in elevator room near A site -Removed a unintended boost on HVAC fan in B site Abbey: – Replaced pinky box – Removed sprites from lightsticks in gate house and underpass – Included material for spikes model near CT spawn – Added another crate on top of the crates near ivy – Removed flower pot near B bombsite for better visibility on retakes – Removed flower pot under the window on A long stairs – Removed gap between crates on B bombsite – Removed gap between crate and gazebo on A bombsite


[GAMEPLAY] – Added a scoreboard element to indicate loss bonus for each team in Competitive and Wingman game modes. – Zeus-x27 will no longer be able to kill people through walls. [MISC] – Fixed an issue causing black screen for users with integrated Intel GPU running with -d3d9ex launch option. – Improved matchmaking times for Danger Zone. – The recent teammates tab will now list your Danger Zone squad teammate even before the ongoing Danger Zone match is finished, so if you had a good game you can invite them to your party to play again. – Added missing “The” to “The Emperor” [MAPS] – Vertigo has been added to Competitive matchmaking. – Cobblestone has been removed from Competitive matchmaking. – Overpass and Nuke have been moved into Defusal Group Delta. – Cobblestone and Vertigo have been moved into Defusal Group Sigma. Vertigo: -Changed CT entrance to mid, so that CTs have a safer rotation between sites -Moved forward plywood stack and wooden crate near T side of mid to make T boosts slightly safer -Smoothed out player collision on metal stairs in T spawn and B site -Updated soundscapes -Moved generator in T spawn up to second floor -Made it slightly easier to throw grenades out of ceiling in T corridor to mid -Minor tweaks and fixes


[GAMEPLAY] Adjusted round loss bonuses with the goal of reducing a negative feedback loop following streaks of losses. – Round loss bonuses are now based on the count of a team’s round losses. The count increases by one after every loss, and decreases by one after every win (minimum 0). — With 0 Losses: $1400 — With 1 Loss: $1900 — With 2 Losses: $2400 — With 3 Losses: $2900 — With 4+ Losses: $3400 – Previously, a win would reset the round loss bonus. Now, a win reduces the loss counter by one. – Teams still begin the half with a loss count of 1. – This is enabled by default and can be controlled using the mp_consecutive_loss_aversion server setting. – The round loss bonus is still limited to mp_consecutive_loss_max multiplied by cash_team_winner_bonus_consecutive_rounds. – Added flashbang assists for players who successfully flash an enemy which then gets killed by another player. Players who threw the flashbang will get an assist callout in the death notice. However if another player inflicted >40 damage to the victim for the assist, the flashbang assist player will not get the callout. – AUG — Now that players have had an opportunity to learn to love the AUG, returning the weapon to its original price of $3300. – M4A1-S — The M4A1-S now holds 25 bullets in the magazine, and has 75 in reserve. – Shotguns — Price reduction for some shotguns: Nova ($1050), Sawed-Off ($1100), Mag7 ($1300). — Nova penetration increased to 1. — Sawed-Off range increased to 1400. — Single shell shotguns in the middle of their reload sequence will no longer automatically continue to reload after a player holsters and deploys them. – Fixed a bug that prevented C4 or enemies seen through open doors from showing up on the radar. – Fixed a rare bug where a C4 bomb reset trigger could reset the bomb to a position that was not on the ground. [PRISMA CASE] – Introducing the Prisma Case, featuring 17 community-designed weapon finishes, and the Horizon Knives in Chroma finishes as rare special items. [ MISC ] – New Loadout Shuffle feature is available in the inventory. Choose to shuffle any number of your weapons or music kits and a random one will be equipped each map. – Several fixes for the ‘Clean Names’ communication setting. – Renamed workshop workbench setting to ‘Side View’. – Removed visual artifacts on a few image assets. [ MAPS ] Canals: – reduced number of routes around bombsite B – moved bombsite B inside the palace – added a door from center stairs to courtyard platform – made it possible to jump up to B bridge from scaffold – new radar map style Vertigo: – Thank you to all the diligent players that continued testing Bombsite B – Blocked runboost from T spawn to Bombsite B (will still be possible in B site configuration) – Obstructed boost from top of floodlight in back of A – Changed layout of back of A site, made entrance onto site a regular doorway, added half-wall in front of scaffolding – Added usable door in mid towards bombsite B – Simplified collision model of support jack – Fixed unintended boost on scaffolding on A ramp – Made boostable concrete mold by A site slightly larger – Improved clipping inside elevator shaft Community maps: – Updated radar for Abbey and Biome


[ LOCALIZATION ] – Fixes for multiple languages to not use fallback font in place of “Lucida Console” which improves legibility of netgraph, console, and other vgui elements. – Add localization tokens for Danger Zone end of match “Damage Taken” and “Damage Given”. – Fixes for some strings getting truncated in the HUD progress bar. – Tweaks to “Best of 3” formatting so that longer translations didn’t overlap the star icons. – Added support for “Best of 3” localization to use %numtowin% token.


[MAPS] Vertigo: -Gameplay updates to bombsite A -Updated art -Enabled bombsite A in Wingman Blacksite: -Added commemorative graffiti for Katowice Showmatch Biome: Reverted the following January update changes: -Reopened connector between between A main and A long. -Reopened mid lower entry. Abbey: – Added half body cover on B bombsite – Moved B long closer to bombsite – Reworked exit from underpass to B bombsite – Removed walls from B long entry to bombsite – Extended B bombsite allowing terrorists to plant the bomb behind crates – Opened ivy roof on B bombsite allowing grenades being thrown from underpass – Added glow sticks in gate house for better visibility – Added small crate on A bombsite to allow CTs to hold barn from behind half body cover – Removed wooden fences outside A bombsite – Added visuals for drop from upper CT spawn to sewer – Added clipping to prevent weapons being thrown outside of CT spawn – Reworked library – Fixed clipping in some places


[GRAPHICS] – Added an optional -d3d9ex command line switch to reduce CPU memory use by about 40%. If you encounter graphics problems with this feature, please send an email to with the subject “D3D9EX”. [COMMUNICATION OPTIONS] – Added communication options in Game Settings which allow the following: — Mute enemy team — Block communication from everyone except players you are friends with or players in your matchmaking party — Hide avatar images — Change names of players not on your friends list to something neutral [MISC] – Katowice 2019 comes to a close: Champions and Legends have been engraved on the trophies, and the Katowice 2019 graffiti can no longer be applied in game. – Increased the voting time on official servers before transitioning to the next map. – Fixed a scoreboard case where a player’s rank icons sometimes didn’t get removed when the player was replaced with a bot.

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