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CS:GO Patch Notes – JULY 2019

CS:GO Patch Notes – JULY 2019


GAMEPLAY – Added Breach and Seaside to Defusal Group Sigma. – Removed Workout from official matchmaking. – Added “Scrimmage Maps” to official competitive matchmaking. Scrimmage maps include: Ruby, Breach, Seaside. — When playing Scrimmage Maps in official competitive matchmaking: there are no restrictions on players in your party, your Skill Groups will not be adjusted after the match, your Competitive Wins counter will not be incremented upon winning the match. Abandoning the match after you ‘ACCEPT’ will result in a penalty. LINUX – Game server logs on Linux are now using a separate thread to write the data to filesystem which improves performance of the game server main thread. MISC – Fixed a regression which prevented cycling grenades with TAG grenade. – Fixed a rare crash related to bump mines and breach charges. – Mute spinner on in-game players can now be dragged all the way down to zero. MAPS – Fixed an unintended boost position on Overpass. Vertigo: – New approach to B site – Removed “rafters” around B site entrance – Offset HVAC units on B site, numbered them – Added a way to throw utility into B site without being exposed – Removed one-way drop down elevator shaft – Added ladder-room near elevator shaft, connects up to mid chokepoint, allows utility towards A – Moved bridge over elevator shaft – Moved T spawns further back – Widened utility hole in T corridor to mid – Made jump up on scaffolding at back of A easier – Widened door at back of A – Various minor bug fixes


NETWORKING – Added a game server network channel traffic analysis framework for each client connection. – Added a game server setting, “net_chan_limit_msec”, which allows server operators to limit amount of processing time the game server can spend on processing packets for each client per tick. Clients that send packets causing server CPU processing time to exceed configured number of milliseconds will be kicked from the game server. Enabled CPU processing time limits on official game servers. – Added a game server setting, “net_chan_stats_dump” which, when enabled, will dump statistics of each network channel when that network channel is closed. Statistics include messages, bandwidth, and CPU processing time breakdown.


Danger Zone – Added skill groups to Danger Zone. – Skill groups are visible in the main menu and as a spectator after your match has completed. – Danger Zone skill groups are driven by your placement in recent matches. – Players of all skill groups can participate in matches together.


MISC – Disabled purchasing of snowballs through console commands. – Fixed server messages to truncate at valid unicode character boundaries. – Increased buffer size for server notification messages like “Player x left the game”.


MISC – Added support for displaying Berlin 2019 Minor play-off matches in-game. – Fixed the events lister showing two rows for events that were both favorited and featured. – Adjusted HE grenade collision hull to reduce rolling when dropped. MAPS Workout – Retextured the pool area so its a lot brighter – Made movement in the pool area smoother – Pushed the hostage rescue zone further forward – Added CT sided cover to the basketball court – Made the entire kids zone area much brighter – Updated some textures and meshes throughout the map – Due to customer complaints, homebrew coffee have added some bins – Stopped players being able to slide up the horse at T side stadium entrance – Fixed mesh clipping issue at the ice cream stand Ruby – Overall layout tweaks. Dust 2 – The anniversary celebration has ended.

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