[ MAPS ]
– Zoo and Abbey are now available in Competitive matchmaking.
– Visual updates overall to match present standards
– Replaced SWAT with FBI
– Reduced the amount of corners/spots at B site
– Removed glow effects from wall mounted fixtures to prevent smoke exploits
– Replaced foliage at interior lower mid to improve sightlines
– Raised ceiling in connector between T spawn and A mid
– Moved swinging tire out of the way of sightlines
– Increased infographics’ resolution
– Removed dead guy at T spawn
– Disabled collision on some foliage
– Fixed minor visual glitches
– Opened mid skybox allowing T’s to throw grenades from river area
– Opened mid skybox allowing players to throw grenades from A bombsites
– Opened A skybox allowing T’s to throw grenades from right alley
– Replaced window model with wider one in library (T’s side of middle)
– Added block bullets brushes in some places to prevent full penetration
– Optimization
– Removed bomb stuck spots
– Enabled collision on window models
– Reduced size of clip brushes in some places
– Added missing overlays
– Fixed various clipping issues
– Added new 3d skybox
– Removed tiny mountain
– Added some color to the map
– Added building on mid
-Made door into B site from CT side twice as wide
-Improved collision model of large HVAC units
-Blocked visibility under HVAC units
-Tweaked layout of staircase leading up to B site
-Blocked visibility from T spawn to B site catwalk
-Added some props near staircase to minimize fall damage
-Tweaked layout of bombsite B target
-Brightened ambient sunlight
[ MISC ]
– Fixed game state integration truncating long workshop map names.
– Fixed localization strings in some languages displaying numbers with zeroes after decimal point.
– Added a new version of Vertigo to Wingman official matchmaking.
– Added Zoo and Abbey to Casual and Deathmatch official matchmaking.
– Removed Austria and Subzero from official matchmaking.
-Improved performance.
-Removed connector between A short and A long.
-Removed mid lower entry.
-Added ladder to mid upper entry.
-Moved T spawn towards A to give CTs better mid timings.
-Fixed several bomb stuck spots and clipping issues.
– Accounts are now automatically upgraded to Prime by reaching Lieutenant Rank 21.
– Fixed a regression for some Perfect World accounts with completed Identity Verification and restored their Prime Account Status.
– Fixed scoreboard team names truncation in some languages.
– Fixed random map behavior in offline with bots game modes.
– Adjusted velocity value for when jump ‘step’ sound plays for more consistent behavior.
– Fixed a bug where player fall damage sound wasn’t playing most of the time.
– Fixed a bug where “the bomb has been defused” and “counter-terrorists win” VO lines could overlap each other.
– Fixed team names truncation issue in scoreboard in some languages.
– Fixed snowballs from being purchasable from the console.
– Fixed snowballs and sensor grenades to not occupy the same grenade slot.
– Added game server log output for team assignments when game is commencing and after backup reload.
– Added game server log output for match pause and unpause state changes.
– Added support for Katowice 2019 in-game streams.
– Fixed cases where players could get stuck inside each other (or less frequently, world geometry) when jump crouching.
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