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CS:GO Patch Notes | 28.11.2018

CS:GO Patch Notes | 28.11.2018


Biome: -Fixed boost with visibility glitch on A long. -Added more crates at B boost. -Widened mid. -CT side of mid now splits into upper and lower. -Redesigned connector at top of mid – now “vent”. -Opened a window above mid, allowing nades. -Lowered skybox and added visual cues for nading. -Removed path between T spawn and catwalk. -Cut the sightline between A short and outside. -New crate on B allows jumping from site to heaven. -Fixed various minor bugs. Subzero: -Redesigned A Connector. -Removed Door on B which mostly benefited T’s. -Removed crates in A Pit which mostly benefited T’s. -Fixed water in spawns eating guns.

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