Attention all gamers! Get ready for some exciting updates with the latest patch notes. The UI has been fixed with live match links in the event panel, while the SDK has been updated with new AI Behavior Trees and ammo counts for all weapons. The maps have also undergone a major graphical update with new textures and models, improved optimization, and lighting and clipping adjustments.
– Fixed live match links in the event panel.
[ SDK ]
– Updated AI Behavior Trees
— Added new “action_secondary_attack” node.
— Added new “action_reload” and “condition_is_reloading” nodes.
— Ammo counts for all weapons are available on the Blackboard via “AmmoCount/weapon_name” key, with “AmmoCount/current” holding the ammo count for the currently equipped weapon. These can be read using nodes such as “condition_is_less”, “condition_is_equal”, etc.
– Map-wide graphical update with new textures and models.
– Improved optimization.
– Removed cubby under drop-down.
– Lighting and clipping adjustments.
– Non-Prime status accounts will no longer earn XP, Ranks, Skill Groups, item drops, or Prime status through play time.
– Non-Prime accounts will not be able to participate in Ranked matches.
– Non-Prime accounts will not be able to activate Bonus Rank XP items and can no longer claim Service Medals.
– Introducing Unranked matches for Competitive, Wingman, and Danger Zone game modes.
— While still using skill-based matchmaking, Unranked matches do not affect Skill Group and have no Skill Group party restrictions.
— Non-Prime accounts are restricted to Unranked, whereas Prime accounts may choose between Ranked and Unranked.
— Ranked matches will always be with other Prime players, exclusively, whereas Unranked matches will be created from the mixed pool of Non-Prime players — and Prime players that have chosen to play Unranked.
– Added “DebugDrawBoxAngles” to draw oriented bounding boxes. Usage: DebugDrawBoxAngles( ent.GetOrigin(), ent.GetBoundingMins(), ent.GetBoundingMaxs(), ent.GetAngles(), r, g, b, a, time);
– Added “GetBoundingMinsOriented” and “GetBoundingMaxsOriented” functions that return the axis-aligned bounding box of an entity taking its current orientation into account.
– Scrimmage has been removed from Competitive matchmaking, and has been replaced by Unranked matchmaking.
– Added Import button to Workshop Workbench that takes a .tga file and generates a .vtf file. If the .tga file name contains “_normal” the generated .vtf file will be compiled with the ‘normal’ flag.
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