Welcome to the latest patch notes for Counter Strike! We are excited to bring you all the details of the recent updates and improvements to the game. In this blog post, you will find the official patch notes that were published on the game's official website and will also be featured in a gaming magazine. So, let's dive in and explore what's new in Counter Strike!
2021.01.07 Patch Notes
– When a player disconnects or is kicked in classic competitive and wingman modes, they will no longer be replaced by a bot. If the entire other team leaves, one bot will be left on the other team, idling in spawn.
– Fixed bots not navigating properly in Warmup arenas.
– Reduced size of SWAT sleeves matching all existing models.
[ MISC ]
– Fixed a crash in Windows dedicated server when “version” command is issued.
– Pings no longer move when walked over by characters, and will no longer highlight weapons in competitive matches.
– Adjusted Retakes clip areas in Mirage and Train
– Accounts that completed government identity verification have been upgraded to CS:GO Prime Account Status for Steam China.
[ MAPS ]
– Further optimizations
– Fixed some clipping bugs
-Fixed a pixel-gap in the Cargo containers in T-Spawn (Thanks to the perceptive individual that reported it to 3kliksphilip!)
-Fixed Cargo containers not having their proper colors.
-Fixed bomb explosions being visible above the A site. (Thanks markman2575!)
– Removed several boost spots
– Added stairs in the garage for better rotation flow
– Breakable glass ceiling around A-site and Mid. Smokes and flashes can now be used on A-site
– Removed “office” area on mid
– Added ladder on A upper CT side
– Both entrances of the hut are now wider for better player traffic flow between A-site and Mid
– Lowered A upper and bridge to make entire bombsite more readable
– Removed several awkward angles on A-site
– Removed excessive areas on A-site
– Removed clutter on A-site
– Better FPS around the whole map
– Widened inner part of connector
– Reduced size of restaurant corner
– Adjusted tarp positions on truck to eliminate some angles
– Lowered half-wall at stairs
– Adjusted timings by pushing CT spawns back a bit
– Shifted crates next to tower further towards pit
– Enhanced visibility for various long range angles
– Removed electric box next to bikes
– Reduced amount of breakable glass at shop
– Blocked angle from CT boost to pit
– Increased size of ladder hole
– Added location names
– Fixed players being able to see into the tower area when boosted at dumpster (u/ReVoLTimE)
– Fixed some Z-fighting and intersecting geo (Thanks Joaokaka1998)
– Fixed various visible nodraw textures (Thanks Joaokaka1998, Fnugz, u/TheSpudd, u/ReVoLTimE)
– Fixed various bomb stuck spots (Thanks Joaokaka1998)
– Fixed player stuck spot on street (Kerluck)
– Clipping adjustments throughout the map (Thanks Joaokaka1998, u/ReVoLTimE, Kerluck)
– Minor visual adjustments and enhancements
2021.01.20 Patch Notes
– Updated to the latest version of SDL library for Linux and OSX.
– Improved loadout cards assignment logic.
– Fixed a crash when players change teams during freeze time.
– Enemy loadout card no longer provides enemy pistol.
– Fixed a rare case when an extra C4 could spawn.
[ MISC ]
– Adding official game servers in Argentina.
– Fixed settings search UI for non-Latin languages.
– Updated AK-47 | Anubis wear alpha
[ MAPS ]
-Fixed issues with previous update(thanks Fnugz)
-Made glass breaking more consistent (thanks T1mure)
-Replaced and realigned textures
-Fixed some gun stuck spots (thanks JustAlex)
-Deleted upsetting bench (thanks sprunk)
-Realigned some assets (thanks fnugz)
-Deleted some cans people thought were smoke grenades
-Fixed boost spots (thanks poop)
-Reduced assets in giftspot and other general optimizations for lower end computers
2021.01.27 Patch Notes
[2020 RMR Stickers]
– Team Stickers featuring the best-performing regional teams from the 2020 Regional Major Ranking events are now available for purchase. 50% of the proceeds go to the teams who participated in the 2020 RMR.
– In Competitive and Wingman, if your team has fewer players than the opposing team for 3 or more consecutive rounds in the half, each of your team members will receive a $1000 ‘Shorthanded Loser Income’ following a round loss. This does not apply in cases where a player was kicked.
– In Competitive and Wingman, each team has one 2 minute technical timeout that will be automatically initiated the first time a teammate disconnects. The timeout will end early if the teammate abandons or reconnects to the match.
– Pinging now displays the name of the pinged location. (Thanks, VasaLavTV)
– Added client convar to control automatic parachute behavior. Set cl_parachute_autodeploy 0 to disable automatic parachute activation.
-Fixed a boost spot near the entrance to A site.
-Fixed a pixel walk on the door hinges (both doors).
-Improved the clipping of the roof.
-Grenades now bounce more predictably off the wall.
-A site
-Improved the clipping on the A sign.
-Fixed a pixel walk on top of the wall.
-Fixed a gap in the center wall on site.
-Grenades now bounce more predictably off the A sign, Elysion sign, art on the wall, wall in connector, the wall on site and the poles connecting to the roof.
-Main hall
-Grenades now bounce more predictably off the art work and painting.
-Fixed a boost spot where players were able to jump on top of the waterfalls.
-Fixed a pixel walk on the lower levels of middle.
-Fixed a pixel walk on the light fixtures (not sure how you would get up their but you cannot trust anyone).
-Grenades now bounce of more predictable of the grey poles inserted in the wall, the wall with the waterfalls and the wall near T spawn.
-CT spawn
-Fixed a pixel walk on the clock (clock has been made non solid).
-Fixed a pixel walk on the glass wall.
-T spawn
-Fixed a pixel walk on the clock (clock has been made non solid).
-It is no longer possible to jump on top of the light above the desk.
-Generally improved the clipping.
2021.01.28 Patch Notes
– Logo adjustments on several stickers
– Fixed bug on guardian mission.
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