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Counter Strike: Global Offensive released DANGER ZONE (PUBG like mod, Battle Royale) Here is the Release Notes of this mode: 06.12.2018 CSGO – Danger Zone – Introducing Danger Zone, a fast-paced battle royale game mode built on CS:GO’s tactical gameplay. For more details, visit: – Danger Zone can be played solo, or in squads of two or three players. [FREE TO PLAY] – CS:GO is now free to play. For more details, visit the F2P FAQ. – All players who played CS:GO before the Danger Zone update will receive a commemorative Loyalty Badge they can display on their profile. – All current CS:GO Players have been upgraded to Prime Status — Prime Status continues to match you with other Prime Status players — Additionally, your Prime Status will give you access to the new Souvenir MP5-SD | Lab Rats (available by earning XP while playing Danger Zone matches) and the new Danger Zone case. [Danger Zone Case] – Introducing the Danger Zone Case, featuring 17 community-designed weapon finishes, and the Horizon Knives as rare special items. 07.12.2018 [ RENDERING ] – Fixed graphics regression that caused smoke and molotov particle effects to appear fully transparent. – Fixed client crash on startup on Intel GPUs. – New users now default to Borderless Windowed mode. [ GAMEPLAY ] – Fixed ‘self-boost’ movement regression. – Fixed players not respawning on round restart if they were in the middle of jumping up onto a platform that would force them to duck. – Fixed bullet penetration damage regression. – Fixed molotov not detonating in mid air in non DZ modes. [ CS:GODZ ] – The winner of the match now watches their victory from the perspective of the runner up. – In duo and trio matches teammates are now notified with an onscreen alert if one of them dies. – Adjusted–and added volume slider for–winner music. – Recent Teammates now shows teammates from Danger Zone matches. – Players searching count now shows correct number of people searching for Danger Zone matches. [ DANGER ZONE ] – Fixed an issue in squad mode that caused the winning squad to not be able to play again from the victory screen. – Added correct localizations for kills by Frag Grenade, Diversion Device, and Fire Bomb. – Fixed a regression with motion blur graphics settings. – Optimized memory usage when not playing Danger Zone. [ COMMUNITY SERVERS ] – Added a setting “sv_prime_accounts_only”. When enabled, only prime accounts can connect to the game server. – Added console commands to support Danger Zone squads: — sv_dz_team_count N : set DZ team size to N players per squad. — sv_dz_jointeam_allowed 1: enable users to choose their own squad during warmup via dz_jointeam. — sv_dz_autojointeam 0: disable players from automatically being assigned a squad when they join the server. — dz_clearteams – remove players from all squads. — dz_shuffle_teams – shuffle all players onto random squads. — dz_jointeam N : Join squad #N (0 = none, valid squads range from 1 to 9). — dz_jointeam N : Server admins only – assign a player to a particular squad. Doesn’t require sv_dz_jointeam_allowed. – dz_jointeam only works during warmup. Use dz_clearteams / sv_dz_autojointeam 0 with care — all players must be assigned a valid squad when the game starts.


How many players are in a match?  If you queue as a solo player, you'll enter a 16 player match. If you queue as a squad of two or three, your match will have up to 18 players. How do I play as a squad?  You can play with friends by joining their lobby in the main menu. Play Danger Zone as a two or three-player squad, and you'll be matched against other squads. How long do matches last?  Danger Zone matches typically last about 10 minutes. Do weapons behave the same as they do in other CS:GO game modes?  Yes. CS:GO's guns have the same behavior and damage in Danger Zone as in other CS:GO game modes. However, since Danger Zone players can have up to 120HP, they may survive encounters that would otherwise be deadly. How is XP earned?  You can earn XP in Danger Zone by looting your environment, killing enemies and trying your best to survive. How do I get the Souvenir MP5-SD | Lab Rats?  To earn a Souvenir MP5-SD | Lab Rats, you need to have Prime Status and earn 250 XP in Danger Zone. The souvenir is available for all players until 2019-01-09.

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