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Borderlands 3 – SEPTEMBER 3, 2020 | PATCH AND HOTFIXES

Borderlands 3 – SEPTEMBER 3, 2020 | PATCH AND HOTFIXES
The Making It Rain event, which will be live with today’s hotfixes, increases the amount of Cash drops from normal, Badass, and Anointed enemies. This event will be live until September 10 at 9:00 AM PDT!
  • Activates the Summer 2020 Anniversary Event: Making It Rain, live until September 10 at 9:00 AM PDT
  • Increased the drop chance on Bosses in Takedowns, Slaughters, and Trials


  • Increased weapon damage
  • Increased weapon damage
  • Increased explosion radius on kill
Breath of the Dying
  • Increased DPS and orb projectile damage
  • Increased orb collision radius to increase the chance of it hitting
  • Increased orb damage

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