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Borderlands 3 – 15 April 2021 Patch Notes | Raid Boss Area Expanded!

Borderlands 3 – 15 April 2021 Patch Notes | Raid Boss Area Expanded!


POSTED: APR 15 2021
Today’s set of changes for Borderlands 3 is addressing the various pieces of feedback that arose from the launch of Director’s Cut and the lowered world drop rate for loot while playing in Mayhem levels. As a reminder, Maurice’s Black Market Vending Machine will be moving to a new location on Thursdays at 9:00 AM PT / 12:00 PM ET. These changes will be live on all platforms by 12:00 PM PT. To apply hotfixes, wait at the main menu until you see a sign that reads, “Hotfixes Applied!” If you are experiencing any issues or want to provide feedback, please submit a ticket to
  • Increased the amount of XP awarded from completing Vault Card Challenges
  • Increased the area around the Fast Travel Station for the Raid Boss to ensure it will activate for all players
  • Removed the Tankman’s Shield Legendary and other pieces of Mayhem 4+ gear from appearing in the Shield Pool in the Diamond Armory
  • Removed the P2P Networker from the Mayhem SMG pool for the Diamond Armory
This is temporary. It will appear again later!
  • Lowered the bonus on the Vault Card’s Super Soldier shield
This is a temporary solution to address players occasionally creating additional unintended shield stacks with certain character skills. We’re currently investigating a long-term solution, at which point the values will be restored. Last week, we lowered the world drop rate for loot while players were in Mayhem levels. By and large, the community has responded well to this change! We did see many members of the community express concerns about the drop rate on gear like Class Mods and Artifacts being harder to find. This makes sense and we totally understand and agree that the overall opportunity to get this gear should be a bit higher. We still want to make sure that Legendary gear is special, but that the time investment feels rewarding. We are continuing to monitor and will make fine tuning adjustments in the future. We’re also working out a plan to move World Drop gear to dedicated sources in the Guns, Love, and Tentacles add-on.
  • Increased the chance for Class Mods and Artifacts to drop in Trials chests
  • Increased the chance to find Legendary gear in Rare Chests

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