POSTED: APR 15 2021
Today’s set of changes for Borderlands 3 is addressing the various pieces of feedback that arose from the launch of Director’s Cut and the lowered world drop rate for loot while playing in Mayhem levels.
As a reminder, Maurice’s Black Market Vending Machine will be moving to a new location on Thursdays at 9:00 AM PT / 12:00 PM ET.
These changes will be live on all platforms by 12:00 PM PT. To apply hotfixes, wait at the main menu until you see a sign that reads, “Hotfixes Applied!” If you are experiencing any issues or want to provide feedback, please submit a ticket to
- Increased the amount of XP awarded from completing Vault Card Challenges
- Increased the area around the Fast Travel Station for the Raid Boss to ensure it will activate for all players
- Removed the Tankman’s Shield Legendary and other pieces of Mayhem 4+ gear from appearing in the Shield Pool in the Diamond Armory
- Removed the P2P Networker from the Mayhem SMG pool for the Diamond Armory
- Lowered the bonus on the Vault Card’s Super Soldier shield
- Increased the chance for Class Mods and Artifacts to drop in Trials chests
- Increased the chance to find Legendary gear in Rare Chests
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