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Apex Legends – Legacy Ranked Patch Notes | Ranked Season 8: The Health Check

Apex Legends – Legacy Ranked Patch Notes | Ranked Season 8: The Health Check


Introducing the Season 8 Patch Notes: A Triumph for Apex Legends' Competitive Scene In the latest update, Apex Legends Season 8 has delivered some impressive results that have left players buzzing with excitement. The developers set out with a clear goal in mind: to create a true measure of skill in the game. And boy, have they succeeded! With an increase in players achieving higher ranks and pushing their personal bests, the match quality and quantity have soared to new heights. This means fewer matches that need to pull players from different ranks to fill lobbies, resulting in a more balanced and enjoyable experience for all. But that's not all! Season 8 has proven to be the most successful ranked season yet, with a staggering 50% of all matches being played in ranked on certain days. It's a testament to the dedication and passion of the Apex Legends community. And to reward those competitive players who invest their time and effort into the game, the developers have brought back the highly sought-after Dive Trails. Now, even more players can showcase their hard work and accomplishments, with Diamond players joining the ranks of those who can visually distinguish themselves. The Season 8 patch notes also highlight the importance of competitive integrity through skill-based matchmaking. The RP tuning has been fine-tuned, allowing players to earn more RP per match and rewarding it slightly earlier. These adjustments have been met with overwhelming positivity from the community, proving their success over the course of the ranked season. And for those top-tier players who strive to compete at the highest levels of skill, fear not. The intense competition between Masters and Predators remains as fierce as ever, ensuring that only the best of the best rise to the top. With Season 8, Apex Legends has truly raised the bar for competitive gaming. So gear up, legends, and get ready to show off your skills in the most exhilarating season yet.


  • We’ll cover the Season 8 distribution data and discuss the health of Ranked
  • The Legacy update’s map rotation will be World’s Edge in split 1 followed by Olympus in split 2
  • No major system or RP changes this season


Here’s a quick recap of our goals and look at the Season 8 results. GOAL 1: Create a true measure of skill in Apex Legends As of 4/22/2021 we have the following distribution among players in Split 2 who have played more than 5 hours of Ranked (see Season 7 comparables in parentheses)
  • 17.87% Bronze (16.35%)
  • 17.86% Silver (23.86%)
  • 31.84% Gold (32.09%)
  • 26.16% Platinum (23.13%)
  • 5.86% Diamond (4.37%)
  • 0.4% Master & Predator (0.20%)
We’re seeing a healthy trend of players achieving higher ranks and pushing personal bests. This influx of players at the high end has improved match quality and quantity by giving us a larger pool of players to fill matches with. As a result we saw fewer matches that needed to pull players from different ranks to fill lobbies. In fact, Season 8 has been our most successful ranked season yet, with some days nearing 50% of all matches being played in ranked, depending on time of day and region. Not only that, but we saw a huge upturn in players returning in the second split to continue their ranked journey! GOAL 2: Reward competitive players for the time they invest in Apex Legends Dive Trails continue to be a highly sought-after cosmetic item that allow players at the top to visually distinguish themselves. As usual Trails from a previous Ranked Season will expire, but if you missed the chance to earn the Season 8 Trail, fear not, we plan to let players have a chance to earn it again in Season 12. Diamond players rejoice! In addition to the Predator and Master Dive Trails we’re bringing back Diamond trails. Earning Diamond in Apex Legends is no easy feat, and now more players can show off their hard work and accomplishments. GOAL 3: Ensure competitive integrity through skill-based matchmaking Season 8 saw a pretty big update to the RP tuning, allowing players to earn more RP per match and rewarding it slightly earlier via placement at 13 instead of 10. These changes were received positively by the community, and watching it play out over the course of the ranked season has proven them to be successful adjustments. GOAL 4: Let top-tier Apex Legends players compete at the highest levels of skill Even though we made it slightly more forgiving when it comes to RP gain, we’re still seeing Masters and Predator remain in an intense competition to be the best of the best.


World’s Edge is back for the first split which ends June 15, 2021.  The second split takes us to Olympus where the remainder of the season will play out.


Season 4's dive trails return! This time Diamond players get trails as well.


There’s a lot to look forward to in the Legacy update, and we’re happy to continue letting the adjustments in Season 8 settle and take hold before we make any more major decisions regarding the mode’s core tuning. We’re committed to making Ranked a place for anyone who wants to take the game seriously across all skill levels. To all our players who enter the arena looking for competition and challenge; thank you for playing, and we’ll see you in the next hot drop!

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